Pipedreams Live! at AGO 2008 #0843
…in celebration of the International Year of the Organ, more excerpts from the American Guild of Organist’s National Convention in Minnesota.
Part 1
RON NELSON: Pebble Beach Sojourn –AGO Festival Brass & Percussion Ensemble, Philip Brunelle, conductor; James Diaz (2003 Blackinton/Benson Great Hall, Bethel University, Saint Paul, MN) recorded June 24, 2008
LEROY ANDERSON: Easter Song. LEROY ANDERSON: Trumpeter’s Lullaby. RICHARD PURVIS: Fanfare –Jelani Eddington (1981 Holtkamp/Plymouth Congregational, Minneapolis, MN) recorded June 25, 2008
RACHEL LAURIN: Prelude & Fugue in f, premiere –Stewart Wayne Foster (2005 Glatter-Götz, Rosales/Augustana Lutheran, West Saint Paul, MN) recorded June 26, 2008
Part 2
PAUL MANZ: Hymn-Improvisation, Now thank we all –Scott Montgomery (1990 Visser-Rowland/Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, MN) recorded June 25, 2008
HENRY MARTIN: Prelude & Fugue in E-minor; Prelude & Fugue in G, premiere –Ken Cowan (1990 Visser-Rowland) recorded June 25, 2008
Part 3
KURT ERICKSON: Toccata for Organ, premiere –Aaron David Miller (1990 Visser-Rowland) recorded June 25, 2008
GERALD BALES: Prelude in e; STEPHEN PAULUS: As if the whole creation cried, from Triptych –Isabelle Demers (1990 Visser-Rowland) recorded June 25, 2008
Filler –RON NELSON (see above)